DCP Observability


Logs are currently captured from the pods in the EKS cluster by the core-paas-sumologic solution which is managed by the Core PaaS Team and are shipped out to a MonC instance of Splunk.

Splunk query should be structured using the following:

  • index=mulesoft
  • kubernetes.namespace_name=deploy (Or whatever namespace you're looking at debugging)
  • kenv=kdeploy.dev (Or whatever environment you're debugging)

For further information on search syntax in Splunk visit this doc.



RDS Metrics

The refinery controller gathers Postgres metrics and forwards onto Cloudwatch. In order for refinery to work a monc_ro_user service account needs to be created on each managed RDS instance. To create the monc_ro_user do the following:

  • Exec to a container from a cluster that has access to your RDS instance.

kubectl exec -it $POD -- /bin/bash

  • Connect to the RDS instance. In this example we're using dcp_database, update your FQDN as needed.

psql -h dcp-database.cfunxlmfcmct.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com -p 5432 -U dcp_user -d dcp_database

create user monc_ro_user login password '$RO_PASS' valid until 'infinity'; grant select on pg_stat_database to monc_ro_user;

  • Validate metrics and the observability service. Redeploy the core-paas-observability-service via core-paas-deploy jenkins job.

  • Core Paas Observability: https://github.com/mulesoft/core-paas-observability-service

  • Refinery Documentation: https://salesforce.quip.com/9seNA5ce5a7Y

Version: 0.3.110
Last Updated: 2024-07-01T19:32:00+0000